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Secrets of the Gut

Updated: Sep 10, 2020

The human gut appears to be one of the most recondite parts of the human body.

While it is not considered as vital as the indispensable heart, nor are its functions as

critical as that of the brain, your GI tract may hide more secrets than you know…

For example, the total number of microbes in your body outnumbers your own body


A 2014 study conducted by the American Academy of Microbiology estimated that

the number of microbes harboured by the human body is a staggering 32.7 trillion

cells, exceeding our own cells by several trillions. However, further studies show that

this number shows wild variations, with studies quoting a range between……wait for


15 trillion to 724 trillion!!!

Some scientists have even suggested that microbial genes make up for about 99%

of the total number of genes in our body!

The largest number of these, reside in the warm, safe cavern we call the gut, and

together, they are called the gut microbiota. This little ecosystem performs tasks

such as increasing our digestive capacities, performing immune functions and even

shaping our mood+ behaviour. Its activities are so important that some scientists

have gone as far as to call it a functional organ of the human body.

So, the next time you eat, remember……you’re feeding you and the several trillion

bacteria living in your gut.

Khushi Shah

2nd Year CBM

For further reading :

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